Welcome to a retelling of Beowulf through the skill of Somhairle na Dagney, Scáeli of Linrathe. (For a fuller explanation, see Part I.)
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Who speaks?” “Wulfgar: once
Wandering war-chief, now counsel
To Hrothgar, ring-giver. Wait here:
To the king I hasten; his reply
Given, I will return.”
To grey-beard Hrothgar
Wulfgar went; stood square and spoke,
Courteous in the presence
Of the king’s company: “My lord,
Asking for audience
From across the sea,
A war-band led by Bjarndýr,
Bold and brave. Appointed in arms,
Greetings he gives, awaiting
Your word. Will you speak
With this warrior?”
“As Sverdberi’s son I knew him:
His father well-wed, a friend from
Years far-flown. Such tales are told
Of this man, stout and strong
As thirty. Bid him come!
Hope against Hyrillingur he
Offers; gifts I will give, treasure
To the hero whose heart and hand
Defeats the dreaded fiend.”
More next Thursday!
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Aside from the story, which has been so fun to follow, I really like your sense of dialogue. How they express themselves paints just as much of the scene as the descriptions and the events. This has been great to follow.