Hrothgar and Hryllingur, Part XIV
Continuing Somhairle na Dagney's retelling of Beowulf.

If you're new to this serialization, here's the link to the introductory post, which now has the complete table of contents. Or you can read the completed (to date) verses here.
My fury; no feast would my flesh be.
Sunrise saw cold corpses tossed
By waves: sailor’s terror vanquished
Forever on these seas.
The waves weakened.
Light revealed high headlands
Where seabirds hung. The warp
And weft of fate wove not my death:
For valour spared.
Nine monsters slain
By my hand, hard-fought battle
Sapping strength. Yet I lived.
Flood and flow left me on some far
Shore, safe on shell-strewn sands.
Now dare you, Deilur,
Describe a danger faced,
A blade so blooded by you
Or Breca? No boast of battle
Or claim of glory gained
Can you make. Not that
I brag. But your hand killed
Kinsmen, and brothers-by-blood.
The gods' favour is not won by wit.
You won't feast when life fails.
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Once again, not only do I think the words were well-chosen but the voice comes through as very clear and distinct. “The gods’ favour is not won by wit.” — certainly not in this particular story or culture! Thanks for sharing as always, it’s been a blast following along.