I can a small contribution to do with marriages by proxy: they were the norm for incoming queens and dauphines of France down to the Revolution. A second wedding followed once they arrived in the country. Marie-Antoinette, for that reason, was already the first lady of the land when she set foot on French soil. She had technically been dauphine from the day of her proxy wedding back in Vienna. She met the dauphin, AKA the future Louis XVI, when she got to Compiègne, and the second ceremony took place when they reached Versailles.
I can a small contribution to do with marriages by proxy: they were the norm for incoming queens and dauphines of France down to the Revolution. A second wedding followed once they arrived in the country. Marie-Antoinette, for that reason, was already the first lady of the land when she set foot on French soil. She had technically been dauphine from the day of her proxy wedding back in Vienna. She met the dauphin, AKA the future Louis XVI, when she got to Compiègne, and the second ceremony took place when they reached Versailles.
Also, I'm really enjoying this book!
I didn't know that about Marie-Antionette, although I did know it wasn't an uncommon practice in the time period.
I'm glad you're enjoying Empress & Soldier!