Welcome to a retelling of Beowulf through the skill of Somhairle na Dagney, Scáeli of Linrathe. (For a fuller explanation, see Part I.)
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
“…Bid him come!
Hope against Hyrillingur he
Offers; gifts I will give, treasure
To the hero whose heart and hand
Defeats the dreaded fiend.”
Wulfgar brought Bjarndýr
Hrothgar’s welcome to Heorot:
‘Hail the hero known! Wear your helms
And bright armour into my hall
But not your shields and spears;
Speech first I would hear.’
Bjarndýr, lordly, rose: his liegemen
Close beside, save those left to guard
The war-gear. To Heorot’s king
In gleaming mail he strode.
“Hail Hrothgar, great king!
Sverdberi's son Bjarndýr greets you.
Scáeli’en sing my victories.
Songs too I heard of Hryllingur,
Hated of Heorot.
Scourge of this fair hall,
A feared foe, forcing men to flee
When sun’s light fails. Resolved then I
To offer all I have: my strength
Against this enemy.”
More next Thursday!
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Hooray, an update!
"gifts I will give, treasure
To the hero whose heart and hand
Defeats the dreaded fiend.”
Loved that part.