Hrothgar and Hryllingur, Part XIII
Continuing Somhairle na Dagney's retelling of Beowulf.
If you're new to this serialization, here's the link to the introductory post, which now has the complete table of contents. Or you can read the completed (to date) verses here. If you just want a reminder of the most recent stanzas, click here.
Blade-laden we swam,
Hands on hilts: defense against
The serpents of the sea. Shoulder
To shoulder, for five full nights
We two kept together.
But north winds whistled;
Nudged us apart. Waves widened
Distance. The sea boiled, bringing
Cruel creatures from the depths
To drown me in the deep.
Gratitude I gave
For my god-forged mail, golden
Links o’erlapping; aid against
The fearsome fish that dragged me
Down to dark destruction.
One final chance had I
For freedom from this foe.
My sword sent it to its grave.
Great the battle then: sea-beasts
Stalked and swarmed. They died
In the depths. My fury
Deadly; no feast would my flesh be.
Sunrise saw cold corpses tossed
By waves: sailor’s terror vanquished
Forever on these seas.
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Great section, really atmospheric verse.
I especially love how terse you’re writing each line; it’s an approach that really works in historical writing like Beowulf (and more broadly in the English language), but it’s rare to see modern examples. Really enjoying how this is coming out! “Blade-laden.” Love that.